Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Letters #5 and #6

Dear Lewisville Public Library,
We need to talk.  Your performance level is going downhill.  Things need to improve or we are going to have to let you go.  You are now on probation.  If the following areas do not improve before the next time we visit, we will have to replace you with a library that can fulfill the role and perform at a higher standard.

  • Electronic card catalogue/computers... what's the point of have a dozen or so in the children's area if they are all out of order?  My children do not just wander the aisles looking for something interesting.  They have specific books in mind (but they never know the author... that is not our fault and yes, I know we could look it up before we go to the library, but you are assuming we pre-plan our visits.).  
  • Train tables in the children's area... Could you please get trains that actually fit on the tracks?  Or tracks that fit the trains you already have?  A certain 2-year-old loves trains, but gets extremely frustrated when the train dwarfs the tracks and therefore doesn't work.  And then I'm supposed to keep that certain 2-year-old quiet because it's a library.
  • Display... please figure out a better way to display your books, or maybe how to explain EXACTLY where the book is that is on display.  I am frustrated because 90% of the time I look up a book on your computer and it says that all of the copies on the shelf are checked out, but there is one on display.  Um, ok.  WHERE?  My time to look for a book is extremely limited (have I mentioned a certain 2-year-old?) and so I don't have hours to wander aimlessly looking for a particular book.  Especially when Melvil Dewey took a lot of time to figure out how to organize books in a library.  Just sayin'.
Thank you, 

Dear Barnes & Noble, 
Things are looking up for you!  


1 comment:

{C} said...

So, did you have to look up Mr. Dewey's first name? Cause I just totally fact-checked you thinking that you had made it up. Impressive.