Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday ramblings...

So yesterday I went to Canton. What that means is, I went to First Monday Trade Days in Canton, TX. Flea market/shops/food/je ne c'est quoi... It's hard to describe, because it's more than a flea market. Yes there is junk. But there are booths with beautiful floral arrangements, booths with darling baby clothes, booths with "now why didn't I think of that?" handmade
gifty items. I mostly purchased things to decorate my home (we just moved in about 7 months ago).

Here are some photos of the things I bought for my daughters' bathroom (they have a jack-and-jill bathroom).
I bought 2 of these, one turquoise & one pink.
Here's a close-up of the glittery center:
Here's a few original art pieces I bought for their bathroom as well:

I also bought a cross from this same artist... it's bigger than the hearts, and it's sooooo pretty... red on a yellowish background.

It was really good for me to go. My hubbie is out of town, so my parents came to stay with Little Man (6 months old) and to be here when the girls got off the bus. I was able to shop and chat with my friend... something I haven't been able to do in a long time. It was refreshing for my soul.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Good advice from Van Halen...

So, I'm a totally 80's music fan. Probably because that's the decade I went to elementary school, middle school, and even the beginning of high school. So when I started to type this morning, the first words in my head were "Right now" which led me to immediately think of the Van Halen song... so I looked up the lyrics on-line, and what do you know? They actually have some good advice! Here's a small sampling:
Right now, hey
Its your tomorrow
Right now,
Cmon,its everything
Right now,
Catch a magic moment, do it
Right here and now
It means everything
Miss the beat, you lose the rhythm,
And nothing falls into place, no
Only missed by a fraction,
Slipped a little off your pace, oh,
The more things you get, the more you want,
Just trade in one for the other,
Workin so hard, to make it easier, whoa,
Got to turn, cmon turn this thing around

Who knew? I mean, really... the same band that sang "Hot for Teacher" actually came up with some profound lyrics! Granted, the lead singer has changed, but still...
So, I am going to take their advice, and "catch a magic moment" and get some things done around here... a few things I've been procrastinating. And maybe listen to some 80's music, too.

Disclaimer... I've never been the brightest when it comes to lyrics and what they actually mean. So if this song is about something other than living in the moment and being content in the here and now, well... I'm sorry. And I don't want to know what they really mean either.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The beginning...

The beginning. “Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start...” (name that musical)...

I’ve thought off and on about starting a blog. I read many blogs... some of close friends and some that are complete strangers. I guess what they all have in common is that something about each particular blog interests me... they might make me laugh, or give me ideas for decorating my home, or even help me see God in the everyday. So then I think about what I have to offer. Hmmm... I wonder. The jury may still be out on that.

What I can tell you is this... I'm no Pioneer Woman. What you won't find here are recipes... I don't really cook. My wonderful husband finds joy in cooking. So I let him. No need to rob him of joy. I do put together a meal here and there, usually when he's out of town. So if I ever post a recipe, it'll probably be a "What Not To Cook" recipe or "WOW, can you believe it? It worked!" kind of thing.

You will find pictures and stories of my kids. They keep me on my toes! You also might get pictures from vacations... we are a family that enjoys traveling.

So, we'll see. Who knows what this might bring?