Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving #2

So after we got home on Friday from Thanksgiving #1, we turned around on Saturday and drove to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving #2. Thanksgiving #2 was rather uneventful... so much so that I didn't even take pictures. Lame, I know. I don't usually get to see my family at Thanksgiving, so I don't know of any traditions. One of my sisters always makes pecan rolls at my family gatherings... DELICIOUS! No one can really duplicate her recipe. Her daughter can... and did for several years when that sister lived in AZ and couldn't always come home for the holidays.

This holiday was extra fun because there were 3 babies there! Little Man, my nieces' baby (1 month older than Little Man) and a 3rd that I'm not technically related to, but it's so convoluted to explain, it's not worth the breath. All of my siblings are step (for over 20 years now), and I have spent many holidays with their father and his wife (my step-mom's ex-husband and wife). I think my kids will even grow up calling them "PeePaw" and "Mare" just like everyone else. Someday I'll probably have to draw a diagram just to explain to my kids. So the 3rd baby is from that side of the convoluted family. Anyway, it was fun to watch the babies interact with each other, and then to watch the adults pass around babies and play.

Here are a few pics from Thanksgiving #1...