Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer Card Camp

I am participating in Summer Card Camp 2011... organized by two of my favorite paper craft artists:  Jennifer McGuire and Kristina Warner.  Here's my card for week 1:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Letters #2 and #3

Dear Sleep,
I must compliment you on your ability to be allusive (spelling?).  Impressive.  However, now is not the time to show off.  I've got a crazy busy week with Vacation Bible School, never mind the fact that the Mister is out of town and I have a 2-year-old who thinks he's center of the universe.  Of course, what 2-year-old doesn't?  But I digress.
It's 5:45 a.m. now, and I have missed you for about an hour now.  I'll let it slide today, but don't let it happen again!
So, Sleep, I expect you meet you tonight in my bed, at oh, say 10:30.  Please don't be late.

Dear Sonic,
As much as I love your beloved Sonic ice, and believe no Diet Coke can compare to one in a styrofoam cup filled with your ice, I admit it may be a long, long time before I have one of your breakfast burritos again.  In my conscience, I link last night's breakfast burrito to this morning's inability to find Sleep.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And we're back...

so to kick start my return to blogging, I thought I would copy my friend Wild and Precious, and write a few letters this week...

Dear employees/customers of Ulta today,
     I apologize for interrupting your normal, quiet shopping afternoon by bringing my 2 year old to Ulta.  I should've known better.  I should've known HE would be drawn to make-up.  I should've known he would want to take everything off the shelves and put it in our basket and then throw a fit when I make him put it back.  I should've known he would want to hold all of the hair dryers on display.  I should've known he would crawl on all fours to the line to check-out. I should've known he was going to scream when I told him we had to give the basket of merchandise to the girl at the cash register to pay for it all.  I should've known.


Dear girl in Ulta,
     Although your Yorkie is cute (especially with the name Dallas), I don't think Ulta is an appropriate store to bring your dog into.  She can't give you advice on make-up colors, or what shampoo is best for your color, so I don't really know why you brought her with you.  Did you wake-up this morning and say to yourself, "I need new shampoo, a new lipgloss, and a fun color of nail polish... I know!  I'll take my dog to Ulta!"  Because if that's what you said to yourself, you need to seek advice from someone older and wiser.  Someone who'll tell you Ulta (or really any retail store minus those pet stores) is not an appropriate place for a dog.  Good luck... and leave Dallas at home next time.
