Saturday, June 26, 2010

May in a Nutshell

I guess I now have to do a "May in a Nutshell" post since I didn't post but once in the whole month.  To finish my last post...

  • Sister #1 did, in fact, ROCK the TAKS (state standardized test)!  She got a 100% in reading and missed 1 in math (or vice versa... can't remember).  We are so proud!
  • We invited roughly half of the neighborhood over for dinner and swimming the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.  We had about 12 adults and 17 kids (ages 1-12)... the Mister made a ton of hamburgers and hot dogs (we still have some in the freezer!).  Everyone had a good time and are ready to do it again!
  • We finished our Wednesday evening church activities.  Both Sister #1 and Sister #2 worked hard all year memorizing Bible verses, and both got plaques to reward their hard work.
Here are a few pics from the trip Mister & I got to take to Hawaii:

(Self explanatory)

(the view from our balcony)

(a short hike... I was desperately searching for whales)

(a different hike.... into a rain forest... thankful we weren't there on a Wednesday or a Sunday!)
(just part of our fascination with signs)