Thursday, August 18, 2011

NYC part 2

Tuesday, we went to the New York City Fire Museum. We expected there to be fire trucks for Little Man to be able to climb on, but we were mistaken.  Instead, we found 100 year old, man-pulled or horse-drawn fire trucks.

Wednesday we went to Central Park Zoo and then Dylan's Candy Bar.  O. M. G.  Three floors of yumminess... more types of candy than I ever dreamed of!

 Thursday we visited the Statue of Liberty.  I have been to NYC several times, but I have never been to Liberty Island.  I've always taken the boat tour by Lady Liberty.  It was neat to go inside the museum in the pedastal and see how she was made.  I didn't get to see/read everything b/c I had a certain 2-year-old with us, but it was still a neat experience.

Friday, we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  We didn't get to see a lot (because of the same 2-year-old) but we did get to see some Picasso, O'Keefe, Renoir, Polluck, Degas, etc.  I think it is very important for my children (well, the Sisters right now) to see and appreciate Art.  The studied a lot of "the masters" in art at their old elementary school, so I think it is neat for them to see the actual paintings/sculptures they've studied.  Sister #2 was a little disappointed... she saw some people sketching and she didn't know that was an option.  We did load up on things in the museum store (I always try to buy postcards of the paintings we saw).

Edward Hopper, one of our favorite artists

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