Monday, June 27, 2011

Letters #2 and #3

Dear Sleep,
I must compliment you on your ability to be allusive (spelling?).  Impressive.  However, now is not the time to show off.  I've got a crazy busy week with Vacation Bible School, never mind the fact that the Mister is out of town and I have a 2-year-old who thinks he's center of the universe.  Of course, what 2-year-old doesn't?  But I digress.
It's 5:45 a.m. now, and I have missed you for about an hour now.  I'll let it slide today, but don't let it happen again!
So, Sleep, I expect you meet you tonight in my bed, at oh, say 10:30.  Please don't be late.

Dear Sonic,
As much as I love your beloved Sonic ice, and believe no Diet Coke can compare to one in a styrofoam cup filled with your ice, I admit it may be a long, long time before I have one of your breakfast burritos again.  In my conscience, I link last night's breakfast burrito to this morning's inability to find Sleep.

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